Monday, March 2, 2009

Retreat Committee

Retreat Committee
Originally uploaded by wineandroses09
I have just spent some time setting up a new Flickr account so that I could use Mosaic Maker to post photos to this blog. There probably was a way I could have used an existing account, but my computer skills weren't up to that. Hopefully this will work.

On Saturday your Retreat committee spent the day cutting, ironing and stitching to create something for the goodie bags. You'll have to wait until you get the bags, but I think you will like our contributions.

In fact, thanks to the generosity of our wonderful sponsors and some other fantastic Scquilters, your goodie bags will have a lot of pleasant surprises in them.

The photos show some of the committee at work.
Top row shows Tracey at the ironing board and Sue and Jan sewing.
Middle row - Jan and Nusia making some important decisions and Maxine cutting and trimming.
Bottom row - Chris, Patricia and Bron sewing.

And just a reminder about Siggie squares. The decision to participate needs to be made in the next few days, because the swap is closing. If you are humming and haaing - STOP!!


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