Now that you have met both Chris and I - well, you have read our names - I'll take the liberty of introducing us very briefly!
Chris and I are both teachers - Chris is a secondary school Home Economics teacher and I am currently a primary school teacher (Year 6/7). We have known each other since we both joined the committee to organise the 1999 Adelaide Retreat. Our group was called the 99ers initially and after the retreat we all enjoyed each others company so much, that we stayed together, although our numbers have depleted a little. That's what happens when a group of quilters gets together to create a retreat!! There are still 6 of the original 99ers on the committee for this retreat.
I have been quilting now for about 16 years and Chris has been quilting forever!! My role on the committee is to organise sponsorship - and to write up this blog and Chris is coordinator for the Raffle quilt and co-host of the blog. That's us in a nutshell!!

I have been looking for photos that I can post to the blog, but so far this is the only one I have. This is our committee (minus me) working very hard organising your retreat. They were actually checking out venues at the time. Since the photo was taken a couple of the committee have had to leave us and we have several new members.
Top Row : L-R Maxine Smith, Betty Swalling, Jan Strachan, Chris O'Brien, Andrea Ellison. 2nd Row: Bron Atkinson, Elvira Richardson, Jenny Loveder, Heather Bolt
1 comment:
I can tell none of this lot was the shearers cook even if they are outside the shearer's kitchen!
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